It consist of the digitalization and georeferencing of:
Satellite measurements offer key information for the optimization of the production system.
Definition of level curves based on satellite images with which we generate topographic models of the agricultural establishments.
The images show the progress of water into the fields during periods of abundant rainfall. We align this map with the satellite altimetry that shows the different elevations on the field.
This way, we have the necessary information to make decisions about the management, for example: crops rotation, seed varieties, variable application of supplies, assignment of areas for agricultural or stockbreeding activities.
Based on the observation and study of historical satellite images, in a sequential manner and on key dates, plus the yield maps, we can obtain a new map in which we differentiate areas according to the productive heterogeneity.
This study is the base to make recommendations about supplies at variable doses.
Samples are shipped to agronomic laboratories and the results obtained are used to plan the doses of supplies that should be applied.
Recommendations Maps:
Based on the productivity or environment maps, and leveraging the soil sampling results, the agronomist or technician responsible for the production defines the supplies’ doses that should be applied in each area, according to its productive potential.
With this data, we generate the supplies’ recommendations at variable doses files that are loaded to the seeder or sprayer computer.
Application Maps:
As the agricultural equipment regulates the supplies, it records data about the task done: applied amount of supply, working speed, among others.
These maps are essential to outline production areas, to audit operations and to be used during the campaign´s analysis for the decision making process. They contain information about the dry yield, wet yield, crop speed, crop humidity, monitored surface, crop flow and elevation, among others.
We create the following reports:
We determine: