
The Company

Rastros is a company that specializes in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applied to the agricultural production. Our purpose is to set in motion the different technologies necessary for the implementation of Precision Agriculture.

Contact Us

  • 0341- 4475353
  • contacto@rastrosgis.com
  • Rosario, Santa Fe; Argentina


Technological solutions for agriculture. We innovate, develop and improve

Our Company

Rastros is a company that specializes in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applied to the agricultural production.

Our purpose is to set in motion the different technologies necessary for the implementation of Precision Agriculture.

We georeference agricultural establishments, interpret satellite images, analyze the environmental heterogeneity and productive potential in order to have a more efficient agronomic management, while monitoring the use of resources. The mapping of crops shows the production cycle results and offers valuable information for the evaluation of the campaign and the decision making process.

The capture of knowledge and value that we can obtain thanks to the geographic information systems, allows you to succeed in an increasingly competitive sector demanding high levels of quality and amount of food.

GIS Solutions for Agro

Our Team

Lisa Benitez
Diego Vanzetti
Software Developer
Matías Benitez
GIS Department
Iván Luna
GIS Department

Need advice?

Discover our solutions; contact us today.